Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and today's theme is "Top Ten Things On My Reading Wishlist."
1. Lady Pirates - So, there's this Tumblr post, and I can't find it right now to give credit to whomever wrote it, but it's about wanting the story of lady pirates. I've read The Assassins Curse, which was great, but I want more. And TAC isn't on the water much. I want the story of ruthless lady pirates who pillage and steal and are cruel, but awesome, you know? Like Elizabeth Swan. Except I don't recall Elizabeth pillaging, but you get the gist.
2. Girls in SPACE - I loved Ender's Game and I recently read Insignia, which were about boys. I loved them, but what about girls in similar plot lines? Girls who accidentally kill people. Girls who are the government's secret weapon. Girls who fight intergalactic wars. I love YA heroines, and I want one in Ender's position. In Tom's place. Ya feel me?
3. Spies - I know there are tons of spy books out there, but I want more. I love spies and spying and gadgets. Those are so fun.
4. Hunters - I want more YA books about teens who kill things that go bump in the night. Like City of Bones, but more focused on the killing. I'm on a Supernatural kick right now, can't you tell?
5. Nerds - I want a YA heroine who's a geek. Who reads books and loves TV shows and writes. Like Cath from Fangirl. Like Katy from the Lux series, who has a book blog. I'm a geek, and I wanna read about geeks. I think it would be really cool if she was geeky, but still cool and collected. Like, everyone knows she's a geek, but they think its cool and geek out with her. Gimme that.
6. Inventors - I have been dying for a girl Tony Stark. A genius billionaire who builds amazing machines and is a badass. Like wish fullfill me, please. I'm going to major in engineering next year, and I want to read about someone like me, but way cooler.
7. YA heroines with pixie cuts - This is a weird one, I know, but hear me out. I chopped my hair off back in like September, and I faced some stupid crap from boys at my school. I felt weird, like I couldn't be a straight girl with short hair (so not true, thank you). I read Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell not long after, and Wren had a pixie cut, like me. Boys thought she was hot and she was popular and cool. Despite her drinking problem, Wren actually made me feel better. I want a girl with my hair to be the lead. I don't care what she does, I don't care if the book's contemporary or paranormal or sci-fi, I just want short hair.
8. Mythology - I love mythology. All of it. Unfortunately, there's a lot of mythology out there that hasn't been written about. I love vampires and werewolves and demigods as much as the next girl, but let's change it up. I love The Raven Boys, mostly because of how amazing it is, but it's about Welsh mythology. How cool is that? It's so different and fun. I want more.
9. YA Heroines who wear makeup - I'm kinda tired of the girl who has perfect skin and hair that she can let air-dry. Let's be real here. Not every teenage girl has perfect skin and easy hair. I want someone who feels like she can't leave the house without putting some makeup on.
10. Retellings - I love retellings of classic books. Retell Frankenstein, but with Victoria instead of Victor? Yes please.
I haven't been posting much, and I'm really sorry to everyone who's stuck around. I jam-packed my senior year with AP classes, and it's been nuts. No homework this long weekend so I'm trying to get caught up on reviews and whatnot.
Anyways, what do you want to see more in the books you read?

I think I love every single thing on this list! Nice job! I sure hope we see some more of this stuff in the future.
ReplyDeleteCait @ Book Love
#1. I just love your blog. It's so pretty!
ReplyDelete#2. Give me more retellings, all day. I've just started reading more retelling lately and I love it. I love how you can recognize the old and recognize the new. I love it. I'd also love more books with nerdy/geeky/bookish characters. I think readers want to see themselves in characters and I want more bookishly (sometimes awkward) characters.
New follower!
Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books
I agree with everything on your list! No. 1, 8 and 9, I love those three! Great list.
ReplyDeleteMy TTT
Daisel @ Owl Always Be Reading
Ooh, a huge yes to spies and inventors! I think it would be so cool to have those leads, I'd definitely want to read those books. I've seen a few girl/spy books, but I've actually yet to see a girl/inventor book, and I'd love to see one. :)
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Alice @ Alice in Readerland
OOoh retellings of classic monster fiction...I like it! I am loving the fairy tale retellings or the books that are loosely based on a fairy tale of some kind! They tend to be awesome!
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Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)
Ahhh #9. Yes! It drives me nuts. They're always "gorgeous", but don't know it. And they never, ever wear make-up or get ready or anything. Like, really?
ReplyDeleteAlso, I love the rest of your list. I totally agree.
I like your ideas about reinventing the YA heroine. Having short hair and wearing makeup are common in real life, so why not in books?! Also, I love mythology books, especially Rick Riordan's many series about Greek, Roman, and Egyptian mythology. Nice list!
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Check out my TTT list and please follow my blog, Book Savvy:
Have you heard of The Summer I Became a Nerd by Leah Rae Miller? It's a really cute and fluffy contemp and the MC collects comic books. I thought it was cool because I collect Wonder Woman things. You might like it too!
ReplyDeleteHere's My TTT
This is a great list. I have never thought of a Pirate story, but now you've mentioned it, that sounds awesome! Also yes please to spies! I read the Alex Rider series when I was younger and loved it but would like something a bit more YA to read now. Re-tellings is a very popular one this week, hopefully some authors will see these and take our hint!
ReplyDeletePirates! I have been looking for great pirate reads. I am looking forward to a book later in the year that's suppose to be about Hook's daughter. I believe it's called Hook's Revenge?