
Apr 15, 2014

{Top Ten Tuesday} Top Ten Bookish Things That I'd Like To Own

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and today's theme is "Top Ten Bookish Things (That Aren't Books) That I'd Like To Own." 

1. New Bookshelves - My current bookshelf is old and overflowing. There's a hole in the back for like a cord? But it was "handmade" (as in someone poked a hole in it with a hammer or something equally ratchet). I'd really like something like this:

2. Bookmarks to match every book I own - You know that odd feeling of accomplishment when you have the matching bookmark to go with the book? I WANT THAT FOR ALL OF MY BOOKS.

3. Book Page Nail Press-Ons - Sally Hansen sells some I think. Like the zebra print nail stickers? Except with words.

4. Who is Mara Dyer? T-shirt - Remember way back in like 2011 when Michelle Hodkin showed those ridiculously cool Mara Dyer shirts on her blog? I want one still.

5. Alice in Wonderland Shirt - Modcloth has a rocking Alice in Wonderland collection

7. New Blog Design - I run a book blog so this is bookish, right? Not that I don't love my blog design, I just really want a change. I'm really loving Mission to Read's header, NoseGraze's entire blog design, and, of course, The Broke and the Bookish's look (particularly the border around their blog. it's so cool)

8. A Book-Print Scarf - It's not exactly scarf season, but, come Fall, I can't stop wearing them!! I particularly like this Pride and Prejudice Scarf from Etsy.

9. Dantless Tank Top - Because it is tank top season, and I'm totally on a Divergent kick (have you seen the movie yet?! I loved it) this Dauntless Tank from Etsy speaks to me.

10. Bookish Tote Bag - I need a new bag to carry books to and from the library in, and this one is just mean enough to suit me.

So, that concludes my bookish items wishlist! Nana, if you're reading this, feel free to purchase anything from the list ;) 

What's in you top ten?

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  1. I need a design for my regular website too. . . but I think your layout is awesome!

  2. Oh my god. I don't have matching bookmarks but I do always try to make sure my bookmarks match my books in terms of colour scheme, haha.
    That T.S. Eliot quote is so great, even though I don't actually drink that much coffee...
    New blog design! Why didn't I think of that?

    Great list! :)

  3. I love the scarf and the shirt! So pretty :) Really glad you liked my layout because I did it myself, but I find yours incredibly better! Loved the Eiffel Tower look :) new follower as well

  4. Oh wow, I think I want to buy pretty much everything on your list! Bookish nail art?! I had no idea. And that tote bag is absolutely amazing!! Love this list! :)

  5. Such a cool list!! I wish I thought of the B New Blog design when I was making my list. I've had my design for the past two years and I really want a change.
    I'm in love with the Dauntless shirt!!!
    My TTT

  6. OOoh nice! Seeing quite a few of us all have the same ideas! My post next week will likely have the same!

    I goofed and looked at the wrong topic this week. So next week I'll be showcasing the bookish non-book items I want!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. I need a new design for my blog too! Great list!. =)

  8. Love the scarf and the tote made me actually laugh out loud! I'm glad I'm not the only person who has that thought. Great list! Don't you just love ModCloth's book stuff. If they could just send me one of everything that'd be great!

  9. I love the Mara Dyer top! Great picks :)

  10. I love your design, but I understand that itching desire to change. I love my design because it's so simple, and yet I'm envious of other bloggers' whimsical designs. Maybe we both should switch things up!

  11. What great items. My daughter would love the Dauntless shirt. She's a huge Divergent fan. That scarf is so pretty.

    Thanks for visiting The Book Connection.

  12. I love your list! Even though I think your design is great (and am jealous, honestly!) I am right there with you. I would LOVE a design overhaul, a nice, professional one. Ah, if only I had money. And I am pretty sure I also need that tote bag. Love!

  13. I love those Sally Hansen nails too.. but it turns out they aren't press on! Well they are and they aren't. You have to have this machine to dry them. I totally looked into it.

  14. I love that Alice shirt too. They do a hoodie as well. :) I love your blog design btw. :)

  15. I love that tote bag. Seriously, even though I have a million and one tote bags, I covet that one above all others, lol. And I love your's pretty and simple, but I understand the need for a change. :)

  16. This is a great list. I never thought of matching bookmarks but I like it :) I also really love the Dauntless top. May be needing to purchase me one of those soon :)
    Also, I think I mentioned it last time I was on your blog, but totally love your design :)

  17. These are all really cool. I want new book shelves too! Mine are all scattered around the house, it would be nice to have my book all in one place. And I love that mug!

    My TTT
    Alex @ The Book Banner

  18. I love the coffee mug and the tote! More to add to my own wishlist.

  19. Don't change your blog design! I absolutely adore it, it's so quirky and different. It's really striking when you first open the page and it looks really professional. I love it!
    I need new book cases too. I have bookcases from ikea but when I only had two I squished way too many books in and stretched the sides. Now the shelves don't fit, they just fall down. The only thing holding each shelf up is a stack of books underneath the shelf balanced on top of the row of books below! I definitely need new bookcases!

  20. Bookmarks that match every book you own, that's a very ambitious and cool goal. You can leave the bookmarks in the books so that you always have one handy when you read :D

    Obsessive Compulsive Reader


  21. الجميع يعلم مدى الأهمية القصوى في توفير شركة تنظيف منازل بنجران
    ويجيب أن يتوفر ايضا مياه نظيفة خالية من الأوساخ والشوائب لكي تضمني حياة صحية سعيدة تنظيف خزانات بنجران
    كما ايضا فروع شركتنا مستمرة في مدينة بيشة في المنطقة الجنوبية في المملكة العربية السعودية شركة تنظيف ببيشة
    كما نقدم خدمة للقضاء على كافة أنواع الحشرات في أسرع وقت ممكن مع الضمان شركة مكافحة حشرات بمحايل عسير
    شركة مكافحة حشرات بالباحة
    افضل شركة نقل عفش بخميس مشيط

    افضل شركة نقل عفش بابها


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