
May 21, 2012

In My Mailbox (1)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, (for more info click on the picture) and I thought it was super cool, and thought Why not? I really only get books from the library these days (I am BROKE), but I thought I would share all I got!


Until I Die: Amy Plum

I loved Die for Me, so I was pretty psyched when my library had this waiting for me! I just started it, so I should have a review later in the week.

Anna Dressed in Blood: Kendare Blake

Kinda already read this one, so I can't say how psyched I am to read it! I'll try to write about it if I get the time.

Destined: P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast

I was at the library, and I realized I was really curious about what happened to the HON gang, and this was the newest one, and the next one I had to read, so I picked it up!

Swoon: Nina Malkin

I heard about this a while ago, and it looked pretty interesting, and I was in need of something to read while I was bored in Biology!

The Pledge: Kimberly Derting

A friend of mine recommended this for me, and so did Goodreads, and my school had it, so I checked it out. Kinda excited to read it.

Ashfall: Mike Mullin

I love post-apocalyptic sci-fi stuff (think Gone series), and this looks really interesting!

That was kinda fun(:

<end transmission>

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