
Jun 16, 2012

[An Extremely Belated] In My Mailbox (4)

If anyone actually attempted to read my blog over the past week, they probably noticed that I wasn't posting anything. I just got back from a mission trip in Haiti, and did not have access to any form of technology, so I really couldn't post anything. I'm gonna try and get caught up today and tomorrow, so here is my IMM for last week:

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, (for more info click on the picture) where we bloggers talk about the books we have received/borrowed/bought for the week. Since I wasn't even in the country, I only had one book this week:


Scarlet: A.C. Gaughen

I heard about this on my Goodreads recommendations, and thought it sounded totally awesome. I am such a sucker for fairy tale retellings (my favorite books in middle school were The Sisters Grimm series, and it just went downhill from there), and Robin Hood was always my favorite story as a kid (I loved the Disney version, you know, the one with the fox as Robin Hood and the bear as Little John?), therefore, this book has got to be perfect for me. 

So yeah, that's all I had this week (I have yet to read it) so tell me what you guys have or give me links to your IMM posts!

<end transmission>

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