
Jun 4, 2012

In My Mailbox (3)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, (for more info click on the picture) where we bloggers talk about the books we have received/borrowed/bought for the week. I got books from the library & I bought one. These are dangerous times guys...

OKAY so this week I got these from the library:

The Beginning of After: Jennifer Castle

Um, well, Goodreads told me to read it... and the cover was pretty... Sounds really good though!!

The Immortal Rlues: Julie Kagawa

I have heard so many rave reviews of this book, I couldn't not get it! Let me tell you, I am on the vamp bandwagon (don't judge), and this has been called one of the best YA vampire books yet (I read it on Twitter, it must be true). SO, yeah, pretty psyched for this one, cause it looks super duper cool. I'll write a review when I finish it, I promise. 

Forbidden: Syrie James & Ryan M. James

I am also on the angel bandwagon, and I like the whole romeo-juliet-shouldn't-fall-in-love-but-do thing. I'm hoping this story ends a leetle happier than Romeo & Juliet...

Eve: Anna Carey

I adore post-apocalyptic books, like y'all have no idea. The whole disease thing makes me think of Wither (which I loved) and then escaping into the forest reminds me of Prized (which I also loved), so maybe this one will be just as good as the two combined??? I'm hoping.

Destined: Aprilynne Pike

:'( The final Wings book. This is kinda bittersweet for me, 'cause I loved The other three books, and don't want the story end yet, but I have got to know who Laurel pick!! Personally, I am team Tamani, but ya know I could settle for David, as long as Laurel gets a happy ending!

AND THEN I BOUGHT A BOOK (even though it was only $2.99 on my Nook... I still bought it). 

Shadows: Jennifer Armentrout

I needed more Daemon & co, so I finally got this. Plus, I really wanted to know what happened to Dawson and his girl. I will def post a review soon!!

So, what did y'all get this week? Leave me a link to your IMM posts in the comments, or, ya know, just tell me what you got(:

Happy Reading!

<end transmission>

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