
Jun 18, 2012

In My Mailbox (5)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, (for more info click on the picture) where we book bloggers talk about the books we have received/borrowed/bought for the week. I just got back from the library, and I got:

I'm not quite sure why I picked this one. Judging by the cover this is definitely not a book I would typically read. It looks way too teen girl for me (yes I am one, but not one of those types). However, Richelle Mead said she liked it.... I don't know I just kind of have a good feeling about it. I'll let y'all know what I thought when I read it.

Grave Mercy: Robin LaFevers

I think Goodreads told me to read this one a while ago. I don't remember what it's about, I just kind of grabbed it, because it was new at my library. It has a pretty cover that kind of reminds me of Dead Beautiful.

Variant: Robison Wells

I am most excited for this one!! I actually just started it, (I'm only a few pages in) and I know I am going to like it. I think Goodreads told me to read this one too a while back, and my library just got it. I just love the cover and the evil boarding school thing. I'll have a review in the next few days.

Misfit: Jon Skovron

I saw this on my way out and picked it up, because a) I liked the cover & b) the premise sounds really cool. I think I saw it on Goodreads a while ago too. So, yeah.

My books always happen to be color-coordinated every week. It's kind of weird... Anyways, (as usual) tell me what you guys got this week or like me to your blog post!

<end transmission>


  1. Great Mailbox! I have Demon Princess: Reign or Shine in my TBR pile and I've read and enjoyed Variant!

    Here's my Mailbox

    1. That's awesome! I loved Variant, too(: I read your IMM and you certainly got some good books!

  2. Wow these books look great! I hope you enjoy reading them all. Here's my IMM -

    Happy reading,

    1. Thank you so much! I just read your post, and it was great!


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