
Jun 21, 2012


I had been dying to get my hands on this book for a while now, and I found it at my library yesterday, got it, and devoured it. Holy guacamole, it was ridiculously good. Therefore, review time!

Nevermore (Nevermore #1)
Kelly Creagh

Nevermore (Nevermore, #1)
Cheerleader Isobel Lanley is horrified when she is paired with Varen Nethers for an English project, which is due—so unfair—on the day of the rival game. Cold and aloof, sardonic and sharp-tongued, Varen makes it clear he’d rather not have anything to do with her either. But when Isobel discovers strange writing in his journal, she can’t help but give this enigmatic boy with the piercing eyes another look. 
Soon, Isobel finds herself making excuses to be with Varen. Steadily pulled away from her friends and her possessive boyfriend, Isobel ventures deeper and deeper into the dream world Varen has created through the pages of his notebook, a realm where the terrifying stories of Edgar Allan Poe come to life.
As her world begins to unravel around her, Isobel discovers that dreams, like words, hold more power than she ever imagined, and that the most frightening realities are those of the mind. Now she must find a way to reach Varen before he is consumed by the shadows of his own nightmares.

His life depends on it.

I saw this book on Goodreads a couple months ago, and was hooked immediately by the cover. I don't think I even bothered reading the summary, because my library didn't have it at the time, and I was broke. I knew it would be amazing. So when I saw they had it, I snatched it up and began reading immediately. It's an insanely long book, so it took me about three hours to actually finish it. It was worth it. This book is incredible.

First off, I loved all the detail the author put into everything. The way Varen looked the first day Isobel was paired with him. Isobel's fear as she ran through the woods. Everything was described so intensely, that the characters and their environment were almost palpable. I usually don't like third person, however (like in City of Bones) I forgot it was, and still lost myself in the story. I felt like I knew each character personally, and it was so cool to get lost in a book that is so frightening, it truly could have come directly from Edgar Alan Poe himself. The writing itself was amazing. It all flowed and was thoughtful, yet easy to read. I had a hard time putting it down last night to go to bed (don't judge, I had to get up at 5 this morning). If I don't stop now, I may let out spoilers!

On to the characters. I adored Isobel! She was everything I believe a good heroine should be. She didn't let herself be pushed around by the awful people in her school, or her ex-boyfriend, or anyone/anything that was in her way. She tried her hardest to do what she knew was right, no matter who told her she would fail. I also loved Gwen. When she was first introduced, I thought she'd be some weird, hippie, flower-child. I was so incredibly wrong, it's actually kind of painful. She was pushy and sarcastic and exactly what Isobel needed in her life. She kept her on track and made everything work out exactly the way she needed it to. She was kind of batty, and I could never figure out what she was up to until she did it, and I loved it! Third favorite character (er, well they're all kind of equal, he is just 3rd mentioned). Duh, Varen. Now, boys and girls, I usually don't like the scary, goth type. But, in Varen, he truly did come off tortured and cool. He was kind of a monotone jerk, and it was amazing. He grated on Isobel's nerves like a cheese grater on Parmesan. Luckily (or, you know, unluckily) she grated his, too. That love-hate relationship between the two of them kind of is what really really made me love this book. They made me think of Katy and Daemon from the Lux series, in the fact that you constantly know that they are going to get together, but they think they hate each other.

Oh, and I loved the cover. I mean, who couldn't? It's so intense... and pretty! I even know what part of the book it's from (but I'm not gonna tell you!).

Anyways, I totally adored this book and nearly cried when it was over and I found out the next one isn't out until August 28 (uh, 3 days into my Junior year. 3 days into evil buttloads of homework). I'm really hoping I'll be able to carve out time to read it!! As you can hopefully tell, I'm gonna give this book 5 stars for sheer awesomeness.

<end transmission>

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm Amanda from Vivalabooks! Wow! I remember hearing about this book, but I never got to reading this. I'm going to have to read this soon! By the way, I’ve tagged you for the Liebster Blog Award! For details follow this link:


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