
Jun 19, 2012

Teaser Tuesday (1)

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by mizB of Should be Reading, where book bloggers open the book they are currently reading and post two sentences from the page it opens to. They can't be too spoilery, though! This is my first one, so bear with me:

I am currently reading Misfit by Jon Skovron. This is from page 190:

"You could even grow fur and a tail," he says."You just can't change your size."

The fun part here is that I have no idea what this is talking about, it just made me smile.

So, if anyone else does this, or if they are just now interested, leave me a link to your teaser, or (if you don't have a blog) just leave me you teaser in the comments. Have fun with it(:

<end transmission>


  1. Sounds like a funny book, haven't heard of this one before.

    Here's ours and we have a giveaway too:

  2. Hmmm.... what? Lol! Great teaser! :D
    -heather//my teaser


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