
Jul 20, 2012

Feature & Follow (1)

Gain New Blog Followers
Hey guys! Feature & Follow is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee of Parajunkee's View and Alison of Alison Can Read. I decided to try this one out, because it looked really fun! 

Q: Christmas in July! Someone gives you a gift card for two books (whatever that costs). What two books will you buy?

A: I would definitely get Insurgent by Veronica Roth! I loved Divergent but never managed to get the next one! And then I think I'd get Tiger Lily, because I'm just dying to read it (I love Peter Pan).

Insurgent (Divergent, #2) Tiger Lily

Just tell me you were here, and leave a link in the comments & I'll hop over to your blog and follow you, too!

<end transmssion>


  1. Happy Friday and New Follower!
    My FF

  2. Great picks. Both of those are high on my TBR list! I'll watch for your reviews if you get to them before I do. New Follower via GFC. I have two blogs, both with FFs on them:

    My FF

    My Other FF
    Happy Friday! :D

  3. Insurgent was so good. I picked Tiger Lily as well! ;)

    New follower

    My FF

  4. Oh, you have to get Insurgent! It's awesome. :)

    I'm a gfc follower. Would you please follow back?

  5. Tiger Lily is GORGEOUS. I loved every moment of it! :) New GFC follower!

    My FF @ Uncharted!

  6. I really need to read Divergent. I haven't heard of Tiger Lily but I'm going to check it out.

    New follower via GFC :)
    My FF

  7. Oh man!
    I wanna read both of those!
    Though Im not a huge Peter Pan fan, I have heard so many great things about Tiger Lily!

    And I still havent read Insurgent or Divergent! :(

    Great choices

    (Im a new follower)
    Please come follow me back

  8. Interesting titles. Maybe I should try Insurgent at some point too.

  9. Just got Tiger Lily from the library, or I would have picked it too! :) New follower, check me out at:

  10. Great choices! I really enjoyed Insurgent! I haven't read Tiger Lily yet, but I really really want to!
    new follower :)
    Here's my FF

  11. Insurgent was great (but in all honesty, I did prefer Divergent more) and I really, really want Tiger Lily too! It looks amazing and all the reviews are glowing!

    New follower! I absolutely LOVE your blog design (especially your header)! :D

    My F&F. :)

  12. 'Tiger Lily' and 'Anna Dressed In Blood'!

    Andrea @ Literary Getaway (new follower)

    My Follow Friday Post

  13. Nice picks! I haven't read Divergent or Insurgent yet, but I've heard both are really good. Tiger Lily has been popping up all over lately and I feel like I should go check it out.

    New follower! :) Our FF

  14. Now that I think abut it, I would love to have Insurgent too, since I already have a copy of Divergent. :) Also, Tiger Lily was one of my choices, too! :)

    Thank you for stopping by my blog!

  15. I am dying to read Insurgent! I have it but haven't had a change yet. I've heard great things about Tiger Lily. Thanks for stopping by My FF and I'm a new follower back through GFC.

  16. I'm really interested in reading Tiger Lily. I have heard great things about it. I love your header!
    Carson @ Reader with Voice (new follower!)

  17. I really need to read Divergent! I have heard so many awesome things about it :)

    Happy reading and thanks for stopping by my blog :D I am a new follower..and thanks for following me!!

  18. You must get Insurgent- it was fantastic!! I'm a new follower :D
    Caitlin @ The Y.A. Bookworm Blogger

  19. Great choices! Insurgent is good and can't wait for the last book. Met Veronica Roth, she was so nice!

    New follower via GFC.

    Ensconced in YA

    1. You are sooooo lucky!! I would love to meet her!

  20. Hopping through. New follower! I have Divergent but haven't read it yet. I really need to!
    My Hop

  21. New Follower!! I also pick Tiger Lily and I have a copy of Insurgent and I can't wait for the final book!

    Thanks for stopping by earlier
    Bookmarks & Bookshelves


I love to hear what people think, and commenting lets me know you were here! Speak your minds! (Please :D)