
Jul 23, 2012

In My Mailbox (10)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, (for more info click on the picture) where we book bloggers talk about the books we have received/borrowed/bought for the week. I went to Atlanta this past weekend & found a really cute used book store & found 2 awesome books at a Goodwill. Crazy, right? I've only got one library book, so I put all bought and borrowed books in the same pic.

If I Die: Rachel Vincent

I couldn't not get this!! I mean, after My Soul to Steal (which I reviewed earlier) I had to know what happened next!! I'm a little over halfway done with it now, so you can expect a review sometime around tomorrow morning (if I get my act together). I also have a strange feeling that I am going to be buying Before I Wake in the very near future.

Heist Society: Ally Carter

I got this in a Goodwill in Atlanta (and it may or may not be signed but Ally Carter, it depends on how sadistic the person was who gave it up "Hehehehe I think I'll fake sign this to make some chump get all excited," but who knows?) Anyways, I've been meaning to read this for a while, and the cover is just so cute, I really couldn't pass it up!!

Along for the Ride: Sarah Dessen

I got this at the same Goodwill (really Atlantians? These are good books!), and yeah I've already read it, but I love Sarah Dessen and I don't own any of her books, and I really needed to own it. Plus it adds very nice color to my drably colored bookshelf.

This Lullaby: Sarah Dessen

I got this one at the used bookstore (I'm broke!), and I've also already read this one. But, come on guys, it's one of my very favorite books ever, and I just had to own it!!!

So, yeah, less books than I usually have... I do have The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, Scarlet, and Cinder on hold at the library right now, though. I'm gonna reread The Unbecoming so I can make better fanart for Michelle Hodkin's arc contest (, and then I never got around to reading Scarlet, and AC Gaughen is having a giveaway, and in order to enter, one has to take a pic of her book with a woman who has inspired me, and for every entry she's gonna donate $5 to Teen Voices ( and I just want to read Cinder. :) 

So, how was everybody's week? Good? Good books? Links and whatnot are appreciated! I will go read and comment on your posts!

Oh and BTW one of my blogging buddies, Anna from Sonorous Words is giving away a copy of Endlessly, so go enter!!

<end transmission>

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love love love Sarah Dessen's novels! My favorite is The Truth About Forever. When I first read it, it made such an impact on me. A close second is Just Listen. I haven't read Along for the Ride yet though! I can't wait for your review on it!

    I've nominated you for a Liebster Award! :) Congrats!


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