
Jul 11, 2012

My Soul to Take

I finished my 5th book!! I completed my goal guys :D I feel so accomplished right now, it's so not funny. My Soul to Take was so amazing, I have got to tell the world how much I loved it! Without further ado:

Rachel Vincent
My Soul to Take (Soul Screamers, #1)
She doesn't see dead people. She senses when someone near her is about to die. And when that happens, a force beyond her control compels her to scream bloody murder. Literally. 
Kaylee just wants to enjoy having caught the attention of the hottest guy in school. But a normal date is hard to come by when Nash seems to know more about her need to scream than she does. And when classmates start dropping dead for no apparent reason, only Kaylee knows who'll be next.
There are very few words that can describe how amazing this book is. I don't even know how long it took me to read it, I know it wasn't long, but I really lost track of time when I was reading. Kaylee's world is scary and haunting, but still kind of beautiful and very, very interesting. Plus, she's got a really hot guy at her side all the time. 

So, the book starts off with Kaylee and her BFF, Emma, sneaking into a club, and Kaylee gets a Coke and dances with one of the hottest guys in her school. Then she freaks because she is insanely sure that this girl she doesn't even know is going to die- and her body wants her to scream. This event kind of kick-starts all the action and whatnot for the rest of the book. She gets closer to this hot guy (Nash) who seems to know a lot about what happens to her, and really wants to help. The majority of the book is spent with them working together to solve a mystery that begins with the dead girl at the club. There are a few plot twists and familial discoveries and some real shocking events, and I loved it. It was an incredibly interesting story, if I do say so myself. I also really loved Rachel Vincent's writing style, because she was really good at showing us who Kaylee really is, without flat out telling us. I loved the way Kaylee's urge to scream was described. It was so vivid, it was nearly palpable. She's brilliant.

I also really adored the characters. Kaylee has a little bit of a hero-complex, in the fact that she feels responsible for every person that dies, that she believes she could have done something about. She was sweet, and funny, and rarely thought before she spoke, and she was just really awesome as a heroine. And then there was Nash. I was in love with Nash from the very beginning, largely because he reminded me of Noah from The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer (whom I am hopelessly in love with!!). Maybe it was the 4-letter N name that ended in an H, but I think the biggest thing was that they both want to help their girls. Nash would do anything for Kaylee, just like Noah would do anything for Mara (I've made a lot of references to The Unbecoming today, haven't I?). I love that whole chivalrous thing, a lot. 

The cover is just so gorgeously dark, and freaky. I mean, the color red usually weirds me out (I'm not sure why), and this was no exception. However, it really worked for the book. And cover-Kaylee was just like I'd picture her (minus the red dress and the floating). Love it.

I definitely give this book five stars, and am very glad I got to read it as my final book for completing my goal! It was so easy to get lost in and I was able to read it fast- making it possible for me to read 3 books today. Now I'm dying for the next one! I want more Nash!!

Final Stats come to:
  • Started and completed 5 books (Cold Kiss, Partials, Almost to Die For, Shatter Me, and My Soul to Take)
  • I did 5 of the 6 mini challenges (mainly because I wasn't interested in the book Stiletto Storytime was giving away, I don't read adult books)
  • I finished my goal! Yay!!
I know the read-a-thon doesn't end till 11:59 tonight, but I'm gonna be hanging out with my family and won't be getting any more reading in. But, that may not be true for you guys! If you are participating in the Once Upon a Read-a-Thon, how's it coming along? Is anyone done with their goals or very close? What have you read? I'm curious! 

<end transmission>


  1. I just read this book the other day and OMG I loved it too. It is officially my new addiction! Congrats on completing your goal =]

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  2. You got so much read! Congrats on a successful read-a-thon! I'll have to check that book out, I've heard great things about Rachel Vincent.


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