
Jul 7, 2012

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon

I heard about this from Amanda at Vivalabooks, and thought it looked really fun! Once Upon a Read-a-Thon is hosted by Lori at Pure Imagination, Angela at Reading Angel, and Candace at Candace’s Book Blog. Each blog has a sign up on their read-a-thon post. It's gonna run from Monday, July 9th at 12:01 am to Wednesday, July 11th at 11:59 pm. (Did I mention my birthday is on the 10th??)

Anyways, Lori at Pure Imagination defines a read-a-thon as:

A Readathon is where you set a goal for yourself to read more books that is  beyond your average number of books you read. There is no minimum, it’s all up to you, and you can read any book that suits your fancy! Push yourself to get some of those books read that have been sitting on your shelves for a while!

Rules are as follows:

To participate in the Once Upon a Readathon enter your name into the linky at one of their sites. Then, from 12:01 am on July 9th to 11:59 pm on July 11th you read, read, and read some more! Make sure you do at least one update post (if you don’t have a blog you may do this on facebook and/or twitter) and participate in at least one challenge.

There's gonna be awards, too!!:

Angela, Candace, and Lori will be giving away a $60 Amazon giftcard (or TBD if you’re international). The winner will be picked at random from the participants list. We will also be having a couple of mini challenges each day and there will be some sort of giveaway with those. To win anything you must participate in the read-a-thon. You must post at least one update on your blog (or Facebook or Goodreads if you don’t have a blog) and you must complete at least one mini challenge.

So, my goal is gonna be 5 books within those 3 days (This'll be good, because I have like 12 library books sitting on my bookshelf...) You can sign up here.

So, fellow readers, are you guys gonna participate?! I think it'll be fun!

<end transmission>

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