
Jul 25, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (10)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by 
Breaking the Spine, where we book bloggers talk about upcoming releases we are excited for. *bounces excitedly* I'm feeling childish today, so I picked a book my 10 year old sister & I are dying for:

Mark of Athena (Heroes of Olympus #3)
By: Rick Riordan
Publication date: October 2, 2012
The Mark of Athena (Heroes of Olympus, #3)
In The Son of Neptune, Percy, Hazel, and Frank met in Camp Jupiter, the Roman equivalent of Camp Halfblood, and traveled to the land beyond the gods to complete a dangerous quest. The third book in the Heroes of Olympus series will unite them with Jason, Piper, and Leo. But they number only six--who will complete the Prophecy of Seven?
The Greek and Roman demigods will have to cooperate in order to defeat the giants released by the Earth Mother, Gaea. Then they will have to sail together to the ancient land to find the Doors of Death. What exactly are the Doors of Death? Much of the prophesy remains a mystery. . . . With old friends and new friends joining forces, a marvelous ship, fearsome foes, and an exotic setting, The Mark of Athena promises to be another unforgettable adventure by master storyteller Rick Riordan.
*smiles* I'm a really geeky kid at heart, and I've always loved Rick Riordan's books (seriously I think I've read The Lightning Thief at least 18 times...), so I'm psyched for this to come out this year! And my sister is going to buy it, so I won't have to worry about waiting to read it! :D

So, what are you guys waiting on this week? Links, comments, whatever :D

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  1. I haven't read all of the Percy Jackson books... I really should. They are so popular at my library!

    1. They are so amazing, you should check them out!!

  2. I loved the Percy Jackson series, but I haven't got around to reading this series. Thanks for sharing!

    My TTT

    1. This series is amazing!! It's just as good as the Percy Jackson books!

  3. I have a lot of catching up to do with Rick Riordan's books, but the cover is fantastic!

    My WoW! :)

    1. Lol my sister thinks the cover is awesome, too. I'll go check out your WoW :)

  4. I loved the Percy Jackson series, but I've only read The Lost Hero. I really need to read book 2 so I can get this book!
    Percabeth forever! <3
    Thanks for sharing! :)
    Here’s my WoW

    1. Book 2 is even better!!! It's about Percy! :D

  5. GREAT CHOICE!!! This one was my WoW a few weeks ago. I'm a huuuge Rick Riordan fan! I love all his books and I was so thrilled when he did a Percy Jackson spinoff series. I wasn't ready to be done with Percy! Definitely can't wait for Mark of Athena! :)

    My WoW - Fragments

    1. He's so brilliant, right? I'll totally go check out your post now :D

  6. I literally just put an order in for this book today at my library. PERFECT choice!

    The Brunette Librarian's Waiting on Wednesday Blog

    1. That's awesome! Thanks :D I'll go check out your post now.

  7. I really need to get into this series, I have the first book on my shelf :)

    Shortskie's WOW

    1. It's really, really amazing!! I highly suggest it :D


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