
Aug 13, 2012

Bout of Books 5.0 UPDATES

Bout of Books Read-a-Thon

Hello fellow internetians! I said in my goals post that I would post my updates with my reviews, but I decided to just put them all together on one post- so I will be updating this post each night this week to tell you guys all I have accomplished!

Books read:
  • Team Human by Justine Larbalestier & Sarah Rees Brennan (review here)
  • Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday (90 pages)
Challenges: 2 (all the challenges for today!!)
Chats: I attempted to participate in today's chat, but lost internet connection   for a while and then when it came back I couldn't follow along! I'll try again tomorrow, though!
Total Books Read: 1
Total Challenges: 2
Total Chats: 0.5
Thoughts on Today: I didn't get as much reading in as I would have liked, but I still had family in town, so tomorrow I'll definitely try to get down to business! Also, my Team Human review is a little rambly because a) I forgot to eat lunch and b) my brain officially lives in my school locker and my writing skills are not as good as they are during the school year. It's Summer. Who needs eloquence? :) Oh and I ordered my copy of Onyx yesterday and B&N shipped it today!!! (Which is weird b/c I thought it was coming out tomorrow, but I don't really care as long as I get it!!) I got like 1-3 day shipping, so it has a chance of getting here tomorrow :D

Books Read:

  • Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday (finished, but haven't witten a review yet.)
  • The Demon's Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan (finished, no review yet)
Challenges: These are taking a lot more time, but I'm almost done with my challenge post for today, hopefully that'll go out tomorrow morning. I'm having fun with the character interactions, though!
Chats: Was too busy reading ;)
Total Books Read: 3
Total Challenges: 2
Total Chats: 0.5
Thoughts on Today: WHY IS MY COPY OF ONYX NOT HERE YET?! Obviously, I understand that it can take a while, but I was so hoping. I'm at that point where I don't wanna read any book that isn't Onyx... Bad... I'm dying here. Anyways, I read a lot today, and am really proud of myself, but I keep procrastinating on those reviews. Meh. I promise to write them tomorrow. And then my copy of Onyx needs to get here!!!! Arrgh.

Books Read:

  • Sirensong by Jenna Black (73 pages)
  • Onyx by J. L. Armentrout (187 pages)
Challenges: 4- I finished two from yesterday & did both from today
Chats: 1 (I'm doing it now lol)
Total Books Read: 3.75?
Total Challenges: 6
Total Chats: 1.5
Thoughts on Today: I keep meaning to write reviews from the two from yesterday, but I got Onyx and just couldn't today!! (BTW Onyx is amazing. I'm madly in love with Daemon) Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to, but I'm working freshman orientation most of the day tomorrow. So, we shall see. :)

Books Read:
  • Onyx by J. L. Armentrout (I finished it!! Review here!!!)
Challenges: 3
Chats: 0
Total Books Read: 4.5? Maybe
Total Challenges: 9
Total Chats: 1.5
Thoughts on Today: I reviewed a book!! Yay me :D I've just been so excited to get to the next book that I haven't been stopping to write my reviews, but it looks like I'm getting back on track. I really hope I can get reviews of Deadly Cool and The Demon's Lexicon out tomorrow!

Books Read:

  • Once by Anna Carey (Didn't get to finish it- 200 pages. I did however win it from Epic Reads!)
Challenges: 2 (you can read my crappy poetry and see what books I am looking forward to here)
Chats: 0
Total Books Read: 4.9? If you add Sirensong and Once together!
Total Challenges: 11
Total Chats: 1.5
Thoughts on Today: Well, I slept most of the day today (I wasn't feeling great, needed sleep) so I didn't get a lot of reading in. However, I did win a copy of Once from Epic Reads, and it's signed! So that made the day a good one :D I also got both of today's challenges in, so that's always a plus, right?

Books Read:

  • Once by Anna Carey (Still haven't finished, read another 100 pages or so)
  • The Girl in the Clockwork Collar by Kady Cross (130 pages)
Challenges: 3
Chats: 0
Total Books Read: 4 whole books and 3 partial
Total Challenges: 14
Total Chats: 1.5
Thoughts on Today: I did not read as much as I would have liked, but the challenges are certainly fun! Oh and I got my review for Deadly Cool written :D Go me! I still need  to review The Demon's Lexicon :(

How did you other Bout of Booksers do today? Links to your update posts??? 

Happy reading!

<end transmission>


  1. > I will be updating this post each night this
    > week to tell you guys all I have accomplished!

    Me too! One post at to be updated each day. I'm still reading today ... for a couple of hours, I think ... but so far I've read 291 pages.

  2. Wow. That is ambitious. I am lucky if I cann get a few comments in while checking out some of the blogs on my blog roll. I thnk I need better time management. Now I'm exhausted.
    Good luck with it all!
    Tammy @

  3. I tried to do this and then got to lazy ;D next time though
    P.S. Did you see the cover reveal for opal??! And it comes out in December! No long wait

  4. Yeah it's definitely hard to balance reading time and family time! I feel ya there! I still have to read the Onyx series. You'll have to tell me how you like it! :D

  5. Good job finishing Team Human and that's great progress with Deadly Cool!

    You are doing awesome with Bout Of Books!

    Here's my progress!

  6. You are doing AWESOME! I have two books on the go, but plan to read Team Human next -- it looks great! And I've heard great things about Deadly Cool -- I think I have that one on my Kobo.

    Keep up the great work!

  7. Awesome work! I'm hoping to make it to the last chat because I missed the first two. I'm adding Onyx to my to-read list now!

  8. Wow sounds like you are doing great :) keep it up, hope u enjoying it :) I have heard so many great things about obsidian and now onyx that I will have to read them hehe. I'm loving the readathon at the mo, just wise I could read more xx


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