
Aug 6, 2012

In My Mailbox (11)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, (for more info click on the picture) where we book bloggers talk about the books we have received/borrowed/bought for the week. I didn't do an IMM last week, mainly because I just didn't have any new books. Also, I was lazy. And next week, I think I'm going to switch to Stacking the Shelves. But for now, I got some great library books:

Lola and the Boy Next Door: Stephanie Perkins

Cricket was one of the competitors in the YA Crush Tourney (speaking of which, go vote for Daemon for me? Please. Just click here. I will be forever in your debt :D), and he sounded like my kind of guy. You know, cute, awkward sorta guy. So, I picked up the book. 

Uncommon Criminals: Ally Carter

I couldn't just sit here and hope Kat finally grew a brain and dated Hale. I had to know.

Tiger Lily: Jodi Lynn Anderson

I have been dying to read this book forever. I love Peter Pan (although this version doesn't make me like him very much or Wendy for that matter). I started it already, so I should be giving a review today or tomorrow. Probably tomorrow. 

Looking for Alaska: John Green

My 9th grade English teacher had this John Green obsession. We watched his youtube videos in class and she talked me into reading his books. I loved Paper Towns and An Abundance or Katherines. I also saw a really cute excerpt from Looking for Alaska and knew I had to read it.

Glimmerglass: Jenna Black

The cover is pretty. I like fairies. Does that count as a reason?

Above: Leah Bobet

Amanda from Vivalabooks wrote a review for this. She didn't really like it very much, but her review made me curious. So I requested it at my library and here it is. 

Soooooo yeah. That is my link-filled IMM for the week. My uncle is coming tomorrow, so I'm not sure how much reading time I'll get in. OH BTW, Amanda did a post on releases this week AND THERE ARE SOME REALLY GOOD ONES. Seriously, I think I'm heading to Barnes & Noble soon. (Her post is here

Yup. You guys get anything good this week? I'm really behind on following links and stuff from comments, but I promise I'll get to it!

<end transmission>


  1. Awesome haul! Above sounds pretty good. I like the cover as well. :) Thanks for sharing and enjoy your books!

  2. Those all sound great! Hope you enjoy them! :D


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