
Aug 25, 2012

Stacking the Shelves (3)

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme held by Tynga at Tynga's Reviews, and her guidelines are:

  • Create your own Stacking The Shelves post. You can use my official graphic or your own, but please link back to Tynga’s Reviews so more people can join the fun!
  • You can set your post any way you want, simple book list, covers, pictures, vlog, sky is the limit! 
  • I am posting Stacking The Shelves on Saturdays, but feel free to post yours any day that fits you. 
  • Visit Tynga’s Reviews on Saturday and add your link so others can visit you 
  • Visit other participants link to find out what they added to their shelves!
So, this week I won:

The Innocents: Lili Peloquin + 2 signed bookmarks and and cute little The Archived... thing? Anyways, it's all from Victoria Schwab, to whom I am immensely grateful!

Defiance: C.J. Redwine I was surprised with this from Epic Reads on Thursday!! So another big thanks to them.
Pure: Julianna Baggott I knew I was getting this one, but I didn't think it would come so soon!! I got it through Goodreads First Reads, so a massive thank you to whoever listed the giveaway and sent me my book :)

From Netgalley:

The Lost Prince (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten, #1)

The Lost Prince: Julie Kagawa *Dances around like a madwoman* This is the first legit book I've been approved for on one of the egalley sites!!! And I wrote about it in a WoW a couple weeks back, and I am just so EXCITED. Seriously, when I got the email, I was like this:


So, yes, we have a very happy Megan here. (Seriously, this is 3 ARCs this week, my first ones ever, actually).

I also got 3 books for upcoming blog tours:

Swipe (Swipe, #1) Sneak (Swipe, #2) Careful (The Careful, Quiet, Invisible Series, #1)

Swipe: Evan Angler
Sneak: Evan Angler
Careful: Isobella Jade

With all of this, I just never bothered to go to the library! Unfortunately this means I also have overdue books, but they were due yesterday and I'm gonna stop by today.... :)

So, yeah! What did you guys get this week?

<end transmission>


  1. I pre-ordered Defiance, so hoping it gets here soon. Come visit me as well. I didn't like Pure.


  2. Congrats on the GREAT NetGalley approval! Julie Kagawa's The Immortal Rules was my first big approval - Harlequin is great to starters. I loved Defiance, and I hope you do too!

    My Stacking the Shelves

  3. Oh my gosh - congratulations on both the win and being approved for your first galley :-) And I loved Pure - hope you enjoy it and all your other books.

  4. Congrats on getting an approval from NetGalley :D I have an account on there but I haven't requested any books yet. All of these look really good, I love the Defiance cover!!

    Kaitlyn@Books and Bandanas

  5. LOL, yes, getting a book you really want is always awesome :)

  6. I can't wait to read Defiance! I've heard so many awesome things about it! Amazing haul this week! Hope you enjoy your books! :D

    My StS post! 

    ~ Maida @ Literary Love Affair

  7. Hahahaha LOVE the gif! That's pretty much exactly what I did when I got approved for The Lost Prince too!

  8. That's a great haul ! I heard awesome things about Defiance I really want to buy it !
    OMG I love the gif :p !!! I was so excited too when I saw that I got The Lost Prince on Netgalley. I'm a huge fan of The Iron Feys series and I can't wait to read this book :).
    Happy reading !

  9. I've heard lots of good things about The Lost Prince! :D I hope you enjoy it!
    Great haul, btw!
    This is what I got this week!

  10. I can't wait to read Pure and Defiance! I've heard amazing things about both of them. I'll be looking out for your reviews on them. :) Thanks so much for sharing!

    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  11. Great books this week!!

  12. Defiance, great. And I did the happy dance too when I got approved for The lost prince, haha. Happy reading!

    Come and visit my WoW!

  13. Ahhh congrats on your approval in NetGalley!! It's always such a great feeling eh?

    Oh my gosh Defiance! I hear it's sooo very great. I'm on the Sneak blog tour too! Whoo

    Giselle from Book Nerd Canada
    Stacking the Shelves #17

  14. I cannot wait to read Defiance! It looks so good! Great haul.

    New follower.

    Sara @ upon a love story

  15. I LOVED Pure! And The Innocents sounds like a fun read! Great haul!

    Xpresso Reads


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