
Aug 28, 2012

Top Ten Bookish Confessions

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and today's theme is "Top Ten Bookish Confessions". In the words of our host "anything goes!" 

Let's see:
1. I sometimes dog ear. I actually did up until I got my copy of Onyx and couldn't bear hurting it, so I started using things to mark my place instead of folding the tops of the pages!
2. I did not finish my Summer reading this year. I only got halfway through East of Eden, and 2 chapters into Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America. I feel as though I will be okay, though :)
3. I owe $1.25 to the library. 
4. I rarely have money to buy new books. It's sad, but true. The only books I ever buy are books I've been dying to read (i.e. Onyx, City of Fallen Angels, etc.)
5. I enter an obscene number of book giveaways every day.
6. I don't usually read all of my library books (I returned 12ish a couple days ago that I didn't even read).
7. Having a massive TBR pile freaks me out and stops me from reading.
8. I've lent books to friends and never gotten them back. (In that same strand, I've borrowed books and never given them back...)
9. I really didn't like Demon Princess: Reign or Shine, but gave it an ok review anyways. I hate being mean.
10. I use my grandma's library card. I do not have my own.

My confessions are kind of pathetic, but they are all true! What did you guys confess?

<end transmission>

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