
Sep 18, 2012

Top Ten Bookish People You Want To Meet

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and today's theme is "Top Ten Bookish People You Want To Meet."

Onyx (Lux, #2)1. Jennifer Armentrout- author of a lot of books, including the Lux series, which is one of my favorites EVER. She also wrote Cursed, which comes out today!!! (But I can't buy it b/c I am broke.) Anyways, she is super cool and funny and all around adorable, and I would really love to meet her (and get my copy of Onyx signed!!!).

2. Cassandra Clare- author of The Mortal Instruments and Infernal Devices series, extremely amazing. Uh, yeah. I love her books, and she seems like a super cool person, also, and I would love to get my books signed :D

3. Victoria Schwab- author of The Near Witch and soon(ish)-to-be-released The Archived!! I just kind of love her. A lot. I won an ARC of The Innocents from her, and she sent me a bunch of book swag and a nice little note with it, and I appreciated it greatly and just desperately want to meet her!

4. Jennifer from ARCycling- have you checked out ARCycling yet? It's like the coolest most selfless program I have seen in the book blogging world, and I want to meet her in person to tell her how nice and awesome she is for putting it all together!

5. Ishita from The Reading Fish and Designs by Fishy- this chick designed my blog and put up with all of my indecisive crap. I would like to meet her in person so I can tell her how much I appreciated everything she did (not that I haven't already, but everything is much more meaningful when it is not emailed)!

An Abundance of Katherines6. John Green- author of lots of books, including An Abundance of Katherines and Paper Towns. He is amazing and funny and brilliant and yes. I would very much like to meet him and get a signed copy of Paper Towns for my freshman year English teacher (it's her favorite book of his, and she loves him!). I would also like to get a signed copy for myself also :P

7. Maureen Johnson- author of way too many books to list, including The Name of the Star. Her tweets are hilarious and I would just like to meet her in person!!!

8. Momo from Books Over Boys- I want to ask for some blogging tips and such (not that I wouldn't ask for those from Jennifer or Ishita!), and she's super adorable and I just want to meet her and hope some of her blogging success rubs off on me!

9. Veronica Roth- author of Divergent. Uh, duh. She's amazing and I want my copy of Insurgent to be signed! I love her books loads.

10. Lauren DeStefano- author of the Chemical Garden Trilogy. I adore the first 2/3 of that series (since the last 1/3 has yet to be released), and I want signed copies! Also, I love her blog posts and tweets and I think it would be so darn cool to meet her in person.

So, yeah! Don't think I'm creepy! :) Who did you guys pick???
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  1. Thanks for including me on this list, Megan!!

    1. I was absolutely ECSTATIC when I saw your comment on here. Day. Made.

  2. Great list with some great authors. I'd love to meet them all too. We could have tea :)

  3. I read and loved books by Roth & Clare - they would be on my list too. And I just found out about ARCycling yesterday - cool site.

    Tanya Patrice

  4. Great list this week! I really like Cassandra Clare's books and Maureen Johnson seems like a hoot from Twitter.

    I chose a different topic for TTT this week, but I hope you check it out anyway.

    New follower by the way.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  5. Okay, I guess I really have to read Jennifer Armentrout's books - everyone seems to love her :D


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