
Sep 25, 2012

Top Ten Series I Haven't Finished

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and today's theme is "Top Ten Series I Haven't Finished."

Before I Wake (Soul Screamers, #6)1.  Soul Screamers by Rachel Vincent- I love this series, I'm just too poor to buy Before I Wake and am still on the hold list for it at my library! I really want more Todd, so I might have to coerce my mom into buying it for me if I don't get it soon!

2. Paranormalcy by Kiersten White- another one I totally love, but have yet to read Endlessly, because it is still checked out at my library! The gall of some people :P

3. Fallen by Lauren Kate- I really liked the first book, but the second bored me and I have no desire to ever finish the series. They have beautiful covers though. JUST SAYIN'.

Dark Frost (Mythos Academy, #3)4. Mythos Academy by Jennifer Estep- I loved the first two, and have been too lazy to read the third. IT WILL HAPPEN THOUGH. I promise. Well, maybe not promise, maybe more of a "I'm gonna try really hard." sorta thing.

5. Strange Angels by Lili St. Crow- I adored the first 4, but read some spoilery review for the 5th and do NOT want to finish the series. I've made up my own happy ending, rather than the stupid one she came up with. I'm hoping for a novella or something that gives me some closure, though!

6. Anna by Kendare Blake- I really, really want Girl of Nightmares, but neither my school nor the public library have it and my mom's already buying me The Evolution of Mara Dyer this month (EEP. *queue fangirl squee*) and I can't beg her for any more books. :(

The Golden Lily (Bloodlines, #2)7. Bloodlines by Richelle Mead- I totally LOVED Bloodlines, but I have't gotten The Golden Lily yet. If only I had more money :/

8. Maximum Ride by James Patterson- man this post is making me feel lazy. I just haven't gotten around to reading Nevermore (you know, like if I could actually buy it).

9. Need by Carrie Jones- I actually had Endure in my possession over the summer, but my 14 book stack gave me anxiety and I had to return everything to library *hides face in shame* I wish I'd read it! I'll have to get it again when I'm less stressed out (because I am stress out currently).

10. Medusa Girls by Tera Lynn Childs- I loved Sweet Venom but haven't gotten to Sweet Shadows *facepalm* Feeling very lazy. LOL

Wow. So this post both showed my laziness, how broke I am, and my anxiety-prone tendencies. Yes, this just happened.

What did you guys not finish? I need to feel better about myself so y'all had better have some good series that you have not finished! :)

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  1. You must find a way to read The Golden Lily. Especially because it won't be long before The Indigo Spell comes out.

    I have Fallen on my list too, but I do intend to finish it.

    Check out my TTT.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  2. I didnt like the Gone series!
    Check out my Top Ten Tuesday


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