
Sep 5, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (16)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine, where we book bloggers talk about upcoming releases we are excited for. This week I'm looking forward to:

Light (Gone #6)
By: Michael Grant
Publication date: April 2, 2013

Light (Gone, #6)
It’s been more than a year since every person over the age of fourteen disappeared from the town of Perdido Beach, California. In that time, countless battles have been fought: Battles against hunger and lies and plagues and worse, battles of good against evil, and kid against kid. Allegiances have been won, lost, betrayed, and won again; ideologies have been shattered and created anew, and the kids of the FAYZ have begun to believe that their new society is the only life they’ll ever know. But now that the Darkness has found a way to be reborn, the tenuous existence they‘ve established is likely to be shattered for good. Will the kids of Perdido Beach even survive?
Light, the sixth and final book in the New York Times bestselling Gone series (which has spanned more than 3,000 pages!) asks as many profound and provocative questions as it answers, while bestselling mastermind and author Michael Grant creates an unforgettable, arresting conclusion that readers won’t able to stop talking about.
AHHH I just love this series and can not believe it's ending! After Fear I can't help but wonder what's going to happen!! The ending was just insane and I can't wait to see how Sam's gonna deal with everything in the next book!!!! Also, cover dude is hot.

What are you guys waiting on this week?

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