
Oct 9, 2012

REWIND: Top Ten Fictional Crushes

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and today's theme is "Top Ten Tuesday REWIND" and I picked "Top Ten Fictional Crushes," because I enjoy talking about book boys :)

Onyx (Lux, #2)1. Daemon Black from the Lux series by Jennifer Armentrout. He's sarcastic and has this incredibly dry sense of humor (much like myself, and everyone just insists that I'm mean... psh) He's hilarious and I love his and Katy's banter. It's fantastic. And that whole Kitten thing? 

2. Noah Shaw from The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin. Uh, hello? This is Noah-freaking-Shaw. He's hot, he's British, and he is, like, "holy crap I'm gonna pee myself" funny. When he stood up for Mara when that psycho chick took her sketchbook, I realized I was in love. He's just too amazing. Obviously why he isn't real. Because amazing guys have yet to be found in the real world.

City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments, #1)3. Jace Wayland from City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. UH duh. He's sexy, he's sarcastic.... he's sarcastic. My goodness, is he sarcastic. It's his most redeeming quality. I can quote him. Like, from memory. He says things like, "My one true love remains myself." and "If you wanted me to rip my clothes off, you could have just asked." Come on? How could you not love him?

4. Adrian from the Vampire Academy series and [more recently] the Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead. I just can't even begin to describe the extreme love I have for Adrian. He pretended he couldn't drive so he could spend more time with Sydney. That's some extreme dedication. And that whole speech he gave her on her weird eating thing? I can't believe she didn't attack him then and there. 

Sweet Evil (The Sweet Trilogy, #1)5. Kaiden Rowe from Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins. He's brilliant, he's British, and he's gorgeous. How much better can you get?! Oh and he's in a band! That's so cute. SO CUTE.

6. Ash [insert crazy long last name that I don't feel like trying to spell or look up on the Nook] from the Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa. He's got dark hair and blue eyes. I was already sold, but then I realized he's crazy protective and honorable and AMAZING in general. Also, he can fight. Like with a sword.

7. Lend [insert last name I'm too lazy to look up, if he had one...] from the Paranormalcy series by Kiersten White. He's just too cute!!! I mean, someone brave enough to date Evie has to be amazing, yes? 

Is 7 enough? I'm too lazy to finish to 10. (I'm really lazy these days) What topic did you guys pick?
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  1. Great picks. I definitely agree with Jace from City of Bones. I'm not sure about Ash. I liked him, but I liked Puck more. I'd put Puck on my list for sure. =)
    New Follower via GFC (I had to check out your blog because your name is Megan, too. LOL)
    Here's my TTT:

  2. Love this top 10! Who doesn't have a major crush on Jace anyways?! ♥ And your #1 pick is right atop my to-read pile and I'm dying to get started! Thanks for sharing:)

    Old follower but new to TTT so here's my TTT post

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

  3. Awesome. I love Jace so much ! <3
    Check out my Top Ten Tuesday

  4. I've seen Noah mentioned a few times today... that book is in my TBR pile for October and now I'm anxious to read it!

    I did top ten young adult villains. :)

  5. i have not read these books, but alot of them are in my tbr list! great list, and no your not lazy, 10 is alot to come up with in one sitting. lucky for me , i have a shared book blog so i do 5 and my partner krisha does 5... 5 is much easier than 10!

    Katie @ Inkk

  6. ah i love Jace! like he might be my favorite character ever! he's right up there with harry potter lol

  7. New follower! I'm definitely more of a Will fan than a Jace fan. I still like Jace, just like Will better. Oh and also more of a Dimitri fan than an Adrian fan. I like Adrian too...especially in Bloodlines, but not when compared to Dimitri! Great picks though!

    Check out my TTT.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  8. Great list! I am glad I'm not the only one who didn't have 10. I head Adrian was a good one, but I haven't read the VA series, yet. I just bought the first book two weeks ago. I actually read Bloodlines first, but I think I shouldn't have. Noe blog, I love your header! I am following you via GFC now, but I wanted to follow by email, too, but it says the email isn't enabled? Thanks for visiting!

    Vyki @ On The Shelf

  9. I'd add Hector from The Crown of Embers. If you haven't read it yet, you should. Holy guacamole.

    My TTT:


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