
Oct 30, 2012

Top Ten Favorite Kick-Ass Heroines

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and today's theme is "Top Ten Favorite Kick-Ass Heroines." 

Megans's Picks:

Every Other Day
1. Kali Every Other Day: She got a parasite, saved everybody, and killed things. Obviously, this chick kicks butt. Also, she was freaking hilarious.

2. Clary Mortal Instruments: In the 4th & 5th books she starts to learn how to fight and do cool things and kill stuff. In all of them, though, she runs right into danger and saves people, and I like her.

3. Juliett Shatter Me: She kills things with her touch. Obviously, she's cool.

Deity (Covenant, #3)4. Alex Covenent: She's snarky, hilarious, runs right into danger, kills things, and learns to fight better. She rocks.

5. Rose Vampire Academy:  Same reasons as Alex, plus she has a psychic connection with her BFF, and protects her. OH and she went to freaking Siberia to kill strigoi Dimitri, 'cause she knew he would hate being evil. She's awesome.
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Amanda's Picks  (I was too lazy to do this on my own):

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter, #7)6. Hermione Harry Potter Series: Even though Ron leaves, she stays with Harry to fight for the good guys, which takes a lot of strength! Also, she's not afraid to scold Harry and Ron, and everyone else really, and keep them on the straight and narrow. Plus, she does magic!

7. Kami Unspoken: Not only is she not afriad to ask the tough questions, she has a connection with some guy who she doesn't even meet until she's 16! Then, at the end, she has the courage to tell him she loves him and break the connection that means so much to her.

The Host (The Host, #1)8. Katniss The Hunger Games: This is very cliche, but Katniss kicks butt! I mean dern! She is able to kill 22 other people, have a love life, and have perfect hair, all at one time! She deserves to be on this list.

9. Wanda The Host: She is able to fight back against a aliens to save herself and others! Also, she is able to handle boys. Good for Wanda.

10. Maya Mortal Instruments: Oh My Gosh. This chick kicks all kinds of booty! She is able to overcome a crazy past, and save her pack!

So yeah, these are our picks. What are yours?


  1. Totally agree! All of those heroines are so amazing! I love it when girls in my favorite books are able to stick up for themselves and kick some butt!

    Nice post! :)

  2. i love Juliette , Alex and Wanda, and katniss is on our list for sure. great picks - Katie @ Inkk

  3. Ellie from Angelfire and Dru from Strange Angels are also bad-asses! :D


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