
Oct 16, 2012

Top Ten Favorite YA Paranormal Authors

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and today's theme is "Top Ten Favorite Authors In X Genre" and I picked YA Paranormal, cause I read that the mostest.

City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments, #1)1. Cassandra Clare- Duh, Mortal Instruments and the Infernal Devices? How can she NOT be my numero uno! I've read City of Bones almost as many times as The Lightning Thief, and I just love her writing style. I also totally love the world of the Shadowhunters (I would make a great one BTW- I look fantastic in black).

2. Jennifer Armentrout! How many times have y'all heard me go off on how much I love Daemon Black? He's brilliant. And I am in love with the Lux series! It's so different and the romance is AMAZING. I love Katy and Daemon as a couple, they need to be together, yes?

3.Kiersten White- Oh my goodness, her books are so cute, and funny. I love her take on the paranormal stuff, b/c it's very different from most YA today. Plus, Evie has a pink taser named Tasey. How can you not love her?

Unspoken (The Lynburn Legacy, #1) 4.  Sarah Rees Brennan!!!!! Uh, hello? Unspoken was one of the best books I've read this year! The brilliant wittiness has yet to be matched in any YA book I've read. Seriously. And I love how normal Kami and Jared made talking mentally to each other seem. SO AWESOME. Plus, it's like the prettiest book I have ever seen.

5. Tahereh Mafi- I loved Shatter Me so, so much. Juliet was the coolest heroine ever, and Adam was too darn cute. Brilliant.

6. Becca Fitzpatrick- Yeah, yeah I know lots of you do not like the Hush, Hush books, but I, personally, adore them. I mean, Patch is the epitome of bad boy awesomeness! I've also kinda got a thing for the fallen angels. I find that all fascinating.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #1)7. Laini Taylor- Daughter of Smoke and Bone was one of the most fantastically written books I have ever read. It was dark, it was beautiful, but it was also funny and cute at times. I loved Karou and her blue hair. Everything about that book is genius.

8. Rachel Hawkins- I love the Hex Hall series so much! Sophie is super duper cute and Archer is... well Archer. The witches and the school and the demons are all so cool. Yes.

9. Richelle Mead- I love all her YA books!!!! More recently, The Golden Lily ripped my poor heart to pieces. I <3 me some Adrian.

10. Julie Kagawa- I love BOTH (er... all three? Does The Lost Prince count as one?) of her series! She's such a brilliant writer, and her books are sooooo addicting. I cannot wait for The Eternity Cure to come out (or at least have a cover!).

What genre did you pick?! :D

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  1. Fantastic List.. Love JLA, Tahereh Mafi, and Laini Taylor!
    Here's my TTT

  2. Cassandra Clare! Julie Kagawa! Kiersten White!
    Great list :-)

  3. Great list, if I haven't read it already, all of these books are on my TBR! You have good taste, haha
    My TTT

  4. I still have not read anything by Jennifer Armentrout. I feel like I shouldn't even call myself a YA reader! Great list!

    Check out my Top Ten Favorite YA Contemporary Authors HERE!

    Also, I have a FANTASTIC giveaway of a SIGNED copy Lauren Oliver's new book, THE SPINDLERS, going on HERE!

  5. such great picks, #2 & #5 should have been on our list for sure! too many great authors !
    check out my TTT

    Katie @inkk

  6. Nice list, can I say I am positively DYING to read anything Jennifer L. Armentrout! I have Half-Blood at home but I really want to read the Lux series soon as well :D Props for Laini Taylor as well, she made my TTT this week as well! Thanks so much for sharing.

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

  7. Oh boy - Taylor is just amazeballs! Also love Mead & White - and must read the series by Mafi since everyone is raving about it so :-)

    Tanya Patrice

  8. Awesome list! I can't wait to read "Daughter of Smoke and Bone"!

  9. I bought The Covenant and the Lux series all at once because everyone says they're amazing, yet I still have to read them :( I really need to get to them!

    I've only read CoB by Caassandra which I thought was okay but I've heard the series gets a lot better, so I'm really hoping it does!

    I love Richelle Meads books!

    I really need to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone.

    Awesome list.


  10. Kiersten White! Rachel Hawkins, but my favorite by far is Julie Kagawa <3 Awesome list!

    TTT fairytales authors @thedailyprophecy.


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