
Oct 2, 2012

Top Ten "Older" Books You Don't Want People To Forget About

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and today's theme is "Top Ten "Older" Books You Don't Want People To Forget About."

This Lullaby

1. This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen. This is my all-time favorite book of hers, and I haven't seen many people talk about it recently. The romance is so cute and funny, and yet is extremely moving. Remy is hilarious, and Dexter is the boy I totally want to marry. They're amazing :)

2. The Spiderwick Chronicles series by Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi. I know I'm kind of cheating since this is technically five books, and they're MG, which I don't really do on my blog.... but it's one of my favorites from like the fourth grade. My mom actually read the entire series to me when I was sick with the flu and in bed for a week. They're so awesome. And, if I recall correctly, much better than the movie.

Uglies (Uglies, #1)3. Uglies by Scott Westerfield. This book (and the rest of the series) rocks, especially if you like dystopian. It's full of suspense and action and they're all really fun. 

4. The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. GUYS. If you have not read this series do so now. Like immediately. Stop reading my blog post and read them. They will always and forever be the most awesome mythology books ever written. Plus, I had a total book crush on Percy when I was 11. And I'm going to go see Rick Riordan on Thursday and hopefully get there in time to snag a signed copy of The Mark of Athena and a Camp Half-Blood t-shirt (will post pics of me and the Nerd Herd at the event, should be fun). ANYWAYS. Yeah, this books rocks and please don't forget about it.

An Abundance of Katherines5. An Abundance of Katherines by John Green. Everyone always goes straight to Paper Towns, and thinks that this one isn't as good. While it is a little bit harder to get into and you have to enjoy the footnote facts, this is my fave John Green book by far. I felt like I connected to Colin, you know, socially awkward and all. Plus it has an awesome cover.

Legacy of Lies & Don't Tell (Dark Secrets, #1-2)6. Blue Bloods by Melissa de la Cruz. OKAY, so this series is a little bit frustrating, but the first like four? are really, really fantastic. Blue Bloods the best out of them. I wanna say there are like seven now, but they're turning out similar to the HoN series, and I don't feel any desire to finish it. But read the first couple. Those are good.

7. Dark Secrets series by Elizabeth Chandler. These combine the right amount of creep factor with really sweet romance, and they're awesome. I recommend for those who want something like Anna Dressed in Blood (though these are shorter and less gory. also with more romance).

So, that's all that I can come up with, and the weird OCD kid in me is silently freaking out. She wants 10 on the "Top Ten" list. Alas, seven is the best I can do. What older books do you guys not want to be forgotten?
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  1. I admire your Eiffel Tower icon here at your blog. Lovely!

    And I am as big a Rick Riordan fan as you are! Love Lightning Thief. I'm crossing my fingers for you, in search of the shirt.

    Here's my Ten "Older" Books I Hope You Won't Forget. I hope you will stop by!

  2. i looove it! i had uglies on my list too, and would have put percy on mine, but i have used him in my post so much recently. great picks!

    Katie @ Inkk

  3. Ohh, you have a lovely blog <3 I'm a new GFC follower!

    I really want to read The uglies. They sound awesome. And I've seen the movie about Spiderwick, I quite liked it :)

    My TTT @thedailyprophecy

  4. I hope you get the signature!

    I see Uglies everywhere. Why haven't I read it?

  5. Sarah Dessen made my list too this week :) And John Green is awesome... I should've picked one of his books too!!

    Cute blog!!
    Here's My TTT

  6. I haven't read any Rick Riordan books yet. Don't kill me! I promise I will. And I just bought An Abundance of Katherines, so I hope to read it soon.

    My TTT:


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