
Nov 27, 2012

Top Ten Most Anticipated Books For 2013

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and today's theme is "Top Ten Most Anticipated Books For 2013." 

The Archived (The Archived, #1)1. The Archived by Victoria Schwab- She posted this AWESOME teaser a couple weeks ago on facebook, and I've been dying for it ever since!! I already thought it looked awesome (I mean, look at that cover!) but the teaser totally sealed the deal (find the teaser here) :)

2. Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare- I desperately need to find out who Tessa ends up with. I am going to DIE if it's not Will!!! He's my very favorite!

3. A Darkness Strange and Lovely by Susan Dennard- I absolutely loved the first book, and that ending was NOT acceptable. I need to know what happens between Eleanor and Daniel! In Paris, no less! Plus it has a CRAZY pretty cover, and my inner fangirl is dying for this book NOW.

Unravel Me (Shatter Me, #2)4. Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi- aksjhdsajkdh I just love Adam sosososososo SOOOOO much and I want more. Plus Juliette got a crazy cool outfit and friends and the like at the end of Shatter Me and I am intrigued.

5. Untold by Sarah Rees Brennan- I loveloveloved Unspoken and have to know what's gonna happen between Jared and Kami! They are like the perfect literary couple and I am going to DIE if SRB doesn't get them together. She's so witty and he's so awkward and I want them together!

6. The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken- Do you ever see a book and think "Wow, this is gonna be amazing?" That's how I feel about The Darkest Minds. I'm not sure if it's the cover or the blurb or the hype, but I do know that I definitely want it. (It's coming out in December 2012, so I guess I'm cheating :P)

Apollyon (Covenant, #4)7. Apollyon by Jennifer L. Armentrout- The ending of Deity killed me, and I have to know what's going down with Alex and Aiden! This is crucial. I really love the turn this series has taken and just can't wait to see what JLA does next :D

8. Sever by Lauren DeStefano- I adore this series and it's extreme weirdness and cannot wait to get my hands on this last book!!! The cover is beautiful and the synopsis gave me chills. I'm just so excited!!!!

9. Light by Michael Grant- I love the Gone series so much and can't wait to see how the series ends. It's gotten kind of weird, but I will definitely be sticking it out til the end.

10. Shades of Earth by Beth Revis- I really love this series and have to know what happens to Amy and Elder on the new planet!!! And I plan on seeing Beth Revis and Victoria Schwab when they come to Asheville in February :D So, hopefully I will snag signed copies of Shades of Earth and The Archived!!! :D

What books are you anticipating?!
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  1. Great list. Every one of these I've seen mentions Cassandra Clare. I'm going to have to check her out.

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  2. I am so excited for 'Shades of Earth' to come out, it's on my TTT list too! Here's the rest of my TTT list:

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  3. Let me tell you! The Archived is so good! Everyone is going to love it :) I'm so excited for Unravel me as well! I can't wait to read it! Awesome list! Check out my TTT:

    Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

  4. I love reading all of these lists and seeing the similarities and differences (because, of course, the differences mean that I have ever so many more books to add to my own to-be-read list!!

  5. Eiffel Tower!!! ♥ your header so much!
    Light is on my list, too. And I still have to read Fear (waiting for the audiobook to come out)

  6. Hahaha, yes, I will die if Tessa doesn't end up with Will, too! They are perfect for each other. Don't get me wrong, I like Jem, but Tessa and Will belong with each other. Sorry Jem.

  7. Clockwork Princess!!!!!!!!!! Need I say more?

    Check out my TTT.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  8. I'm loving this list because there are so many books on it that I'm looking forward to also, like The Archived and Shades of Earth.

    Tanya Patrice

  9. I have to say that after seeing "The Archived" on so many Top Ten Lists (especially with you providing the teaser) I can't wait to check it out! The other books on your list look pretty good as well. So excited for 2013!

  10. Sever's on my list, too. That whole series has the best covers, can't wait to see how it ends!

  11. Archiiiiiiiiiiiiiived! *grabby hands*

    My TTT:

  12. I'm looking forward to read The Archived! I love the promise :)


  13. Great list! I'm looking forward to the sequels to Under the Never Sky, Cinder, and Raven Boys. Just finished Raven Boys this week. Totally loved it.


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