
Dec 20, 2012

Feature & Follow (18)

Gain New Blog Followers 
The Feature & Follow blog hop is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. To join the fun and make new book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:
  1. (Required) Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Hosts {Parajunkee & Alison Can Read}
  2. (Required) Follow our Featured Bloggers
  3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing. You can also grab the code if you would like to insert it into your posts.
  4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say "hi" in your comments and that they are now following you.
  5. If you are using WordPress or another CMS that doesn't have GFC (Google Friends Connect) state in your posts how you would like to be followed
  6. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don't just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don't say "HI"
  7. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers

If you're new to the Follow Friday hop, comment and let me know, so I can stop by and check out your blog!

Q: What have you learned from book blogging that you didn't know before about the publishing industry?

A: I've learned a lot, really. I certainly don't know everything about ARCs yet (I still consider myself a baby book blogger), but I know way more than I did when I first started blogging. I've learned that authors and publishers are *gasp* really just people, and they all seem so much more real and normal than they did when I was just a book nerd without a blog :) I definitely don't know everything, but I'm learning more every day! 
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  1. Hopping through. Isn't it funny how blogging humanizes so many different people. I was exactly the same.
    My Hop

  2. Great insight! btw, I'm a newborn in blogging.

    New follower!


  3. I feel the same way, just learning a bit more each day! :)

    Old Follower!
    Happy Holidays! :)

  4. I had no idea about any of that either, but we'll continue to learn everyday :)
    New follower!
    Samantha @ The Secret Life of a Bookworm
    My FF
    (I love your blog btw, your header is beautiful!)

  5. That authors and publishers are also just 'people like you and me' is also something I recently discovered. I always found them so intimidating :p


  6. Every day's a chance to learn something new, that's for sure. :)

    New GFC follower!

    Here's my FF

  7. Glad your learning everyday, have a great week-end.

  8. Hi, from a new GFC follower.

    This meme is such a great way to find new blogs to follow! :)

  9. Hi :) Thanks for stopping by my blog to follow. I'm following you back. I agree with what you said. Definitely a baby book blogger :) I'm also an author and yep, we're real people too lol :) Kinda crazy sometimes (voices in my head and all that stuff). happy reading to you!

    Megan @ Megz Madd Readz and Writing One Word at a Time

  10. I didn't write a Feature and Follow this week, but I adore your blog (your blog design is so pretty, too) so I just followed you (via email)! :)

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  11. Yup, real people and totally tangible! Thanks for stopping by! I'm following you back now! :)

  12. I absolutely love reading the author interviews and the book bloggers interacting! They are very much people and that's something that you don't really find out until you get involved in blogging. Great answer! Thank you so much for stopping by my FF. New Follower :D

  13. I consider myself a baby book blogger too. I like that phrase!

  14. Hopping through! ARCs seem to be something we've all learned about. :) New follower. My FF

  15. Hey there! I think it's really hard to realize authors are just people lol.

    You already visited my blog and yes I did my design myself :) I own Always Purrty Design

  16. There is so much to learn about the publishing business and book blogging! It's a continual work in progress.

  17. I'm a writer as well as a reader and reviewer and I can assure you that we are somewhat normal!

  18. I love your blog! I'm new to the blogging world, so I definitely know what you mean!! New GFC follower, check out my Feature and Follow

  19. Yes ARCs are the best!

    Thanks for visiting and following my blog! I follow you now too!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    NEW Follower :D

  20. Me, too! Lol. Thanks for stopping by the blog! Followed back!:)

  21. I am learning more each day too. I love how approachable authors have turned out to be. Yep, real people. Who knew? LOL
    New follower, looking forward to your posts. Thanks for stopping by my FF.

  22. Hallo Megan :D
    Thanks so much for stopping by Pages! It really doesn't seem like 4 years, time passes by so quickly. Ahhh :) And hehe, yup: we're just people :) I thought the same thing you did, you know, with the publishing companies and high-up bloggers (with like, over a 1000 followers) as untouchable Book Gods!
    I really love your blog, it's incredibly cute! I'm following back!

  23. yea def. learned a lot about ARCs :)

    new follower

  24. Yep, I was taken aback by the normalcy of authors too, lol! Thanks for stopping by! I'm a new GFC follower :D

    -Novel Reveries

  25. I feel like I could still learn a lot more too. Thanks for the follow, I followed back:)

  26. Thanks for the stop by:)
    New Follower:)

  27. I learned a lot more about ARCs too! Thanks for stopping by. New follower :)

  28. Thanks for dropping by and leaving your comment--your blog is gorgeous!! New Follower!

  29. Thank you for stopping by. I returned the follow. I agree I learn more everyday!

  30. I totally agree! Great answer. Follower #307 here!

  31. I have learnt so much about book blogging, i didn't realize just how people are into it and now i'm hooked!! :-o)

    Hopping on thru follow my link below
    "BookShelves Of Dreams"

  32. Hi Megan! I can't believe I never knew about your blog before! It's gorgeous! I found it through The Readingista's page that names you blogger of the week.

    New GFC follower :)

  33. Hi Megan, Old follower here. Thanks for stopping by my FF!

    Merry Christmas:)


I love to hear what people think, and commenting lets me know you were here! Speak your minds! (Please :D)