
Jan 15, 2013

Top Ten 2013 Debuts I'm Looking Forward To

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and today's theme is "Top Ten 2013 Debuts I'm Looking Forward To."

The Archived (The Archived, #1)1.  The Archived by Victoria Schwab- I have actually read this one (and LOVED it) but I got picked to be one of Victoria's Keepers (I KNOW RIGHT?!) so I'm super excited for release day. Plus it looks like I'm gonna get to go see her in Asheville on Feb. 2nd!! *wheee* Y'all should be excited too, 'cause I'll be having a swag giveaway once the bookmarks and stuff come in!

2. Mind Games by Kiersten White- I really liked Paranormalcy and the premise of the sisters in the book sounds really neat. I know that it's UK title is Sister Assassins and that just sounds wicked. I mean, assassin books are fun. Especially when the characters have cool powers.

The Collector (Dante Walker, #1)3. The Collector by Victoria Scott- Look, another Victoria. I am sensing a theme here. Anways, the premise reminds me a little of Sweet Evil and I adored that book. I also love the excerpts and teasers that have been posted recently. Dante is kind of awesome.

4. Paper Valentine by Brenna Yovanoff- I'm really digging the creeptasticness of the blurb for this one. And the cover is gorgeous. And murder investigation and ghosts and a bad boy who seems to be secretly nice? Right up my alley.

5. Nameless by Lili St. Crow- Snow White retelling has me written all over it. I lovelovelove the mob boss sound the story and ITSSNOWWHITEGUYSCOMEON. I also enjoyed the majority of the Strange Angels series (minus the really dumb ending to the whole thing. ugh). so, yeah.

MILA 2.0 (MILA 2.0, #1)6. Mila 2.0 by Debra Driza- It's like the Bourne Identity. I love Bourne. A LOT. and sci-fi is fun. This just sounds really good. yeah.

7. The Madman's Daughter by Megan Shepherd- She's gonna be at the February signing with Victoria Schwab and Beth Revis and Lenore Appelhans so I had to look this book up, and it looks awesome. Retelling, experiments, love triangle? sounds fun :)

8. I'm gonna end my list here. I have an AP English midterm tomorrow that's 25% of my stupid semester grade. ARRGH.

So what books are y'all looking forward to?

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  1. Awwww how did I forget The Archived? :L

    Happy reading!
    My TTT

  2. I'm super excited about The Archived, so I've probably check out your giveaway. I'm also really looking forward to Pivot Point and Paper Valentine! Happy reading!

  3. Mind Games is one Ive heard great things about. Awesome list. Feel free to check out My TTT

  4. Great list!! I haven't heard of Archived, but I'll check it out since everyone seems obbssed with it.
    old follower
    my TTT

  5. Mila 2.0 looks so good! :) My TTT list:

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  6. Great list! At first I wasn't interested in Paper Valentine at all, but now it seems like it's such a great story that I can't handle being left out :)

  7. Love the cover for The Archived. So many terrific sounding debuts coming out this year.


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