
Apr 2, 2013

Top Ten Characters I Would Crush On If I Were Also A Fictional Character

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and today's theme is "Top Ten Characters I Would Crush On If I Were Also A Fictional Character."

Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3)1. Will Herondale, The Infernal Devices- He's gorgeous, reckless, caring, brilliant, funny, and a generally wonderful character. He sings about demon pox for crying out loud! He's got dark hair and bright blue eyes and he's Welsh. What more could you want? 

2. Noah Shaw, Mara Dyer- Tall, unkempt, gorgeous, messy brown hair. Think prep school boy who's just really rumpled. He's loaded, but drives a crappy Prius. He doesn't care about himself and fights a lot (which, is totally sexy). He's clever and caring and wonderful and protective and I want one. He also smokes, but apparently (according to Mara), he looks good doing it.

Obsidian (Lux, #1)3. Daemon Black, Lux- Another tall one (I think it's safe to assume that they all are at this point), bright green eyes and casually messy hair. Daemon's sarcastic and kind of rude, but it works for him. He's also an alien... He would do anything for his family, and that's super sweet. Basically, he's perfect.

4. Adrian Ivashkov, Vampire Academy and Bloodlines- I just finished The Indigo Spell so I'm on an Adrian kick right now :) He's moroi (aka a vampire), which means he's freakishly tall, and he spends more time on his hair than any of the girls in any of the books he's been in. He's an artist, and is a little mad, but he's still amazing and kind and caring and protective. I do love Adrian.

The Darkest Minds (The Darkest Minds, #1)5. Liam Stewart, The Darkest Minds- This one isn't sarcastic or rude and he doesn't fight all the time. Liam is a gentleman, and a southern one at that. He's so nice and he takes care of everyone before himself and he's such a good person that you have to love him. And he sings along with radio. Adorable.

6. Jace Wayland/Morganstern/Herondale/Lightwood, The Mortal Instruments- You gotta love the boy with four last names! I mean, it's Jace, he was my third book crush (first two were Percy Jackson & Edward Cullen...). He's brave and witty and kinda dumb sometimes but they all are (I mean, really though, City of Fallen Angels anyone?) He's cute in an offbeat way, and thinks very highly of his own attractiveness. Girls often come up to him in grocery stores and ask to touch his mango (yeah). He's also gonna be portrayed in the movie with the beautiful trailer and I'm so excited OMG.

7. Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson and the Olympians- Percy was my very first book crush, so he had to be on this list. He's adorable and ADHD and has a sword/pen and awww Percy. He's a son of Poseidon and his mom makes blue food and the movie was terrible. Yup.

These are my top boys, so I'm stoppin' at 7! Who are your book boyfriends?!

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  1. Aww I can't believe I forgot about Percy! And I love Will too! He is so hilarious! My TTT

  2. Noah was what made that book for me, if he wasn't in it I most likely would have never finished.
    Old follower
    my TTT

  3. Getting curious about Deamon Black have been seeing him around a lot today!

  4. I liked Jace, because he was so snarky and sarcastic :p Such an adorable douche bag, haha.


  5. I have an embarrassingly huge amount of book boyfriends. Noah Shaw made my list as well! My Top Ten

  6. Liam from The Darkest Minds sounds really intriguing. I'm going to have to pick that book up soon now :)

  7. I have only read one of these series! :::hides in shame:::

    New GFC Follower!

  8. I agree with Jace! Still haven't started the infernal devices series yet though! Have you ever read the book Divergent? There is a boy in that book, Four (as in the number 4, yeah) and I just loved him to pieces!


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