
Jan 29, 2014

{WoW} Perfect Lies by Kiersten White

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine, where we book bloggers talk about upcoming releases we are excited for. This week I'm looking forward to:

Publisher: HarperTeen
Formats: Hardcover, eBook
Age Group: YA
Expected Publication: February 18, 2014

Annie and Fia are ready to fight back.
The sisters have been manipulated and controlled by the Keane Foundation for years, trapped in a never ending battle for survival. Now they have found allies who can help them truly escape. After faking her own death, Annie has joined a group that is plotting to destroy the Foundation. And Fia is working with James Keane to bring his father down from the inside.
But Annie's visions of the future can't show her who to trust in the present. And though James is Fia's first love, Fia knows he's hiding something. The sisters can rely only on each other - but that may not be enough to save them.

After the massive cliff-hanger of Mind Games, I'm dying to know what's in store for Fia and Annie. I love Fia and I really like James despite his major jerkwadness. I just can't wait to read more about them!! Fia's life as an assassin/hit man was really interesting, and I hope Annie's okay after what happened.

Woo. And the cover is just as pretty as the first! It's interesting that it has the same title everywhere now, unlike the Mind Games/Sister Assassins thing. Personally, I would be more inclined to read about called Sister assassins, but whatevs. :)

What are you waiting for?

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  1. This one looks really good... Although I agree, Sister Assassins makes a pretty compelling title!

  2. Ooh nice! Read the first one and liked it, but not sure if I am going to read this one. Read the first one as an ARC so very long ago, I can't really remember everything that happened either! Hope you enjoy it thought once you read it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Great pick! I haven't started this series yet, but loved her Paranormalcy series, really hope this one's just as good! And agreed about Sister assassins, I definitely would have read a book with that title asap! :) Thank you so much for sharing!

  4. This is the third time I have seen this book today! Excellent choice; I am excited for it too...the wait is almost over! ~Megan

  5. Great choice! I am definitely going to have to look this series up, it seems like a popular pick! My WOW post is here if you want to check it out.

  6. After the massive cliff-hanger of Mind Games, I'm dying to know what's in store for Fia and Annie. I love Fia and I really like James despite his major jerkwadness. I just can't wait to read more about them!! Fia's life as an assassin/hit man was really interesting, and I hope Annie's okay after what happened. 4ocean bracelet wholesale uk , best silicone rings canada ,


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