
Jun 30, 2012


Holy crimony, that was fantastic. Just man oh man... and that ending was just cruel and dang this is so my fave so far in this series. holy cow. OK I'll review it:

Jealousy (Strange Angels #3)
Lili St. Crow

Jealousy (Strange Angels, #3)Dru Anderson might finally be safe. She’s at the largest Schola on the continent, and beginning to learn what it means to be svetocha—half vampire, half human, and all deadly. If she survives her training, she will be able to take her place in the Order, holding back the vampires and protecting the oblivious normal people.
But a web of lies and betrayals is still closing around her, just when she thinks she can relax a little. Her mentor Christophe is missing, her almost-boyfriend is acting weird, and the bodyguards she’s been assigned seem to know much more than they should. And then there’s the vampire attacks, the strange nightly visits, and the looks everyone keeps giving her. As if she should know something.
Or as if she’s in danger.
Someone high up in the Order is a traitor. They want Dru dead—but first, they want to know what she remembers of the night her mother died. Dru doesn’t want to remember, but it looks like she might have to—especially since once Christophe returns, he’ll be on trial for his life, and the only person who can save him is Dru.
The problem is, once she remembers everything, she may not want to...
Ok, so this one was so much better than the first two. It was much more intense and emotional and just great. I can even make comparisons with The Mortal Instruments & Vampire Academy. And, for me, that's saying something. But, you know, more on that later.

So, Dru is finally at the big Schola, and all her friends (minus Christophe, but he really should be more than a friend :P) are there with her. She's treated better, if stared at a lot, by the students and staff. And then the psycho-cheerleader (and/or Anna) head honcho of the Order comes, and makes everything much worse. There's a couple vamp attacks and, oh, Dru's trying to fix Ash (the Broken wulf). And then Christophe comes back and the poop hits the fan, and then some stuff gets better and some gets worse but everything gets so much more exciting. Isn't that just wonderfully vague? You should read it, and find the rest of the good stuff out though(:
I just loved this one. The plot was so much more interesting, and more intense and emotional and great. I loved it all. And there was plenty of awesome Christophe, too. So, you know, I kinda had to love it. It gets a little awkward when Dru learns some stuff about her mom and Anna and Christophe and how they all knew each other, but I kinda think it was supposed to. The only problem I had with the book was that Dru was kinda dumb sometimes, because she just didn't bother to figure stuff out that was right in front of her. It drove me a little batty. Other than that, it was great.

On to the characters- I love the wulfen Dru is friends with. Shanks and Dibs are so kind and loyal and you just can help but love them. And I really liked the guys in her guard (yeah, she got a guard), because they were so funny and nice to her. I especially liked Leon, because he was kinda painfully sarcastic and wasn't all snobby like some other guys we meet in this one. So, the minor characters totally had me. I just loved them. And then there's Dru, Graves, and Christophe. Dru & Graves as a potential couple make me think of Simon & Clary when they tried to date in City of Ashes. He makes her feel safe, but not electrified. Whereas the prospect of Dru & Christophe would be more Rose & Dimitri. He's older and wiser and she's young and reckless, but they still have a chance to be an awesome couple (and he doesn't feel like home to her). The age difference is a little Bella & Edward, though, and he still looks like a teenager, but that's okay. They'd be less annoying than Bella and Edward. I do love how protective Graves is of Dru (what the heck is her real name????), but Christophe is painfully protective, too, so... Graves is cool and sarcastic and Christophe is a little aloof and they both have great qualities, but uh Christophe doesn't have a unibrow. I'm a little Team Christophe, if y'all haven't noticed.

I don't like the cover though, because the cover-Dru isn't even the same chick from the Strange Angels cover, and I don't even know who the guy is supposed to be...

I definitely give this one 5 stars, because, well I just loved it. Even if I didn't like the cover.

I really should start on my original pile for this week, but it's so big. ugh. I'll get around to it eventually. I won *eep* signed copies of Angelfire and Wings of the Wicked (from The Little Reapers) last week and I'm mildly anxious for them to get here. But, it could take a while. Oh well, still psyched(:

So, yeah!

<end transmission>

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