
Jul 2, 2012

In My Mailbox (7)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, (for more info click on the picture) where we book bloggers talk about the books we have received/borrowed/bought for the week. I got two of these pretty soon after my last IMM post, and have already reviewed them, but I'm gonna put them on here anyways.

From the library I got:

Blood: K. J. Wignall

Well, Goodreads told me to read this like 3 times. I felt like I had to! Plus the main character is a guy named Will, and I feel as though Wills make good guy characters in books. And I liked vampire books.

Enthralled: Melissa Marr, Kelley Armstrong, and other YA authors

I was feeling incredibly lazy, so I didn't list all 16 or so authors that contributed to this. They are all authors I have read or want to read, so I figured it was worth a shot.

The Hollow: Jessica Verday

I thought it was pretty.... 

Cold Kiss: Amy Garvey

Somebody I follow on Twitter (I can't remember who) posted about the sequel cover for this book, and I thought it looked really interesting. I love pretty covers, and this one has one, and yeah. 
Suite Scarlett: Maureen Johnson

Maureen Johnson seems to be an extremely versatile author, and I really loved The Name of the Star, and this looked really cute, so I got it. 

Jealousy: Lili St. Crow

This is the third book in the Strange Angels series, and I already read, loved, and reviewed this one (I'm not sure why I'm putting it on here, but it was in my picture...)

Betrayals: Lili St. Crow

This is the second book in the Strange Angels series (yeah, I know it should go before Jealousy), and I already read & reviewed this one, too.

The Magnolia League: Katie Crouch

I've been meaning to read this for a while, and I really just love the cover. I live in the south, and the premise sounded really interesting.

I also bought:

Touch of Frost: Jennifer Estep

EEEP more YA Greek mythology!! I love Greek mythology inspired books (like the Percy Jackson series, the Lost Hero books, and the Medusa Girls series), so I was super excited when I found this at my new favorite used book store. 

Kiss of Frost: Jennifer Estep

They also had the second one, so I had to get it, too.

Almost to Die For: Tate Hallaway

This was in my Goodreads recommendations, and I read the first page (also at this used book store, they really have a GREAT YA selection), and I really liked it. So, I bought it!

So, what did you guys get this week? Anything really good? Links to your posts are appreciated(:

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  1. Yay, you got some super awesome books! The Mythos Academy series is SO ADDICTING, so it's nice that you found a copy of the second one too :) I've also heard that Cold Kiss is amazing, and I'm curious Magnolia League myself. Great haul!

    Brenna from Esther's Ever After

    1. I'm psyched to hear that!! I LOVE your blog, btw. It's gorgeous & you have such great giveaways. Thanks for commenting & following, means a lot(:


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