
Jun 26, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday (1)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish, where bloggers make a "Top Ten" list based on that day's theme. I've been meaning to get in on this, and today's is "Top Ten Characters Who Remind Me Of Myself Or Someone I Know In Real Life" and I kind of had to do it! 

So, these are the characters that remind me of me:
1. Nora from Hush, Hush because she's super careful (or tries to be) and is pretty smart and knows exactly what she wants in a guy. She's also about my age, and she has problems with people telling her that her hair is a different color, when really it is brown. She also has slightly curly hair. 
2. Katy from Obsidian because she's super sarcastic and can come off as a little mean (but she's not!). She has a book blog and is kind of a geek. She does not like to be told what to do, and kind of likes to be contrary.
3. Arden from Eve because she's also kind of crass and a little mean but she's not really a bad person. She's loyal to her friends and will do anything as long as she knows it's right.
4. Isabelle from City of Bones because she's very guarded when it comes to guys and won't take crap from anybody. She just says exactly what she thinks of people and doesn't really care what they think of her.
5. Astrid from Gone because she's a total nerd. And she loves it. She's also kind of a control freak. 
6. Tessa from Clockwork Angel because she just loves to read and says exactly what she's thinking. She puts people in their place when they talk down to her and she refuses to take no for an answer when she needs to do something. 
7. Rose from Vampire Academy because she's kind of crazy and super protective of her friends. She is like majorly sarcastic and totally mean when she wants to be. She also cares about other people, a lot, but she doesn't like to be hurt or put down.

These are the characters that remind me of other people:
8. Jocelyn from City of Fallen Angels & City of Lost Souls reminds me of my mom, because she's so overprotective (in the nicest way, mom) of Clary and she will just go to the ends of the earth to protect her daughter. 
9. Lissa from Vampire Academy reminds me of my best friend, Monica, because she is super sweet and caring and puts everyone else before herself. She is quiet, but still very powerful, and everyone likes her.
10. Dee from Obsidian also reminds me of Monica, because she is super sweet and is kind of like a puppy dog. She's a little bit of a pushover, and very rarely has anything bad to say about anyone. Her family is her first priority, and she'll do anything for them.

So, yeah, that was fun(: Who reminds you of you? (or, ya know, someone else, but that just isn't as fun)

<end transmission>

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