
Jun 25, 2012

In My Mailbox (6)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, (for more info click on the picture) where we book bloggers talk about the books we have received/borrowed/bought for the week. I got a lot of these right after my last IMM post, and I've reviewed a couple, but I'm gonna talk about all of 'em here, too. Here goes:

At the library I got:

Vanish: Sophie Jordan

I loved Firelight and desperately need to know what happens next!!

Unwind: Neal Shusterman

This kind of just looked really cool. I dig sci-fi, and it just looks good ya know?

Anna and the French Kiss: Stephanie Perkins

I read a review of this from The Fascinating Life of a Teenage Bookworm, and she made it look really good, so I got it?

Nevermore: Kelly Creagh

Kinda already read and loved this one. Wrote a review for it, too.

Unraveling: Elizabeth Norris

Also read and didn't really like this one. No review for it though.

The Boyfriend List: E. Lockhart

This looked light and fluffy and fun to read, so I got it.

Under the Never Sky: Veronica Rossi

(it's that one you can't really see in the pic, in case you are extremely unobservant and have yet to notice I go in order) Another sci-fi romance sorta thing. It looked interesting and it's fairly new.

Babe in Boyland: Jody Gehrman

Another teen girl book. It looked really really cute and I couldn't help myself.

Tankborn: Karen Sandler

More sci-fi. Again, it looked really interesting.

And then I bought a book (at a used book store, but, whatever):

Strange Angels: Lili St. Crow

Had high hopes for this one. I read and reviewed it already.

So yeah, a lot of books. I was a little lazy and didn't say much for each one, but that's as good as it's gonna get! So, what did you guys get this week? Links or you can just tell me (if you don't have a blog, or don't do anything IMM-like) in the comments.

<end transmission>

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